Monday, June 16, 2008

GymWeek - Whatever Shall We Do!?

Beingachildofsomeonewhowasadopted, I am always a bit hesitant about "Adopt a..." programs.

Penguins, dolphins, trees, highways... it's a pretty thankless exercise. They don't tend to know you're doing it and you don't get to physically keep them.

Anyway. I digress.

National Gym Week is this week, a time when primary school kiddies across the country go nuts doing forward rolls on the oval and drawing pink sausage people in scribbly leotards on butcher's paper. In addition to urging you into spending your hard-earned money, GA suggests 'adopting a gymnast' and sending squad members some love through YouTube tributes, letters, poems or drawings that they will forward to the athletes via Sounds like an interesting idea, bordering on divisive- it's like gifts at Valentine's Day, one enviable group is sure to get dozens of lavish ones where some just get a small melted loveheart chocolate in their school lunchbox from mum.

...Not speaking from past experience or anything...

Regardless, it never hurts to let an athlete know that you're gunning for them.

If anyone is interested in/particularly good at digital art, Photoshop, Paint or any other computerised endeavour at which I am rather crap, please contact me via the email address listed on the right as there is one idea I have for something to send to the Beijing WAG squad on behalf of The Australian Gymnastics Blog and Supporters of Australian Gymnastics (Facebook). If you're an artist, web nerd, photographer or design freak in addition to being a gym fan, please let me know if you want 'in' on the project. I'd make a pretty poor effort of it by myself.


Anonymous said...

The thing that gets me is that on all the message boards we talk and talk and talk about how there is not enough support for the sport or promotion and when GA actually do something they get bagged - come on Mez don't sound so negative. it's not GA that do the my heroes. I hope you'll find that most people will support all the gymnasts.

Anonymous said...

totally unrelated to your post but:
when and where are the Olympic trials being held?

Anonymous said...

AIS 28th and 29th June
Team announced 29th June

Anonymous said...

is it open to the public? the worlds trials last year were and the balcony was packed with like 100 people. or is it AIS arena?

Anonymous said...

I hope it is - last year for world trials it was so hard to get any news/results so I can only imagine how difficult it will be if its closed to the public.

It was great GA did the stream for nationals but I think somethnig like that is just so much more important for events like these, since hardly any fans live in Canberra.